MX 5600

Monimax 5600, features superior and reliable performance with various functions including cash withdrawal, card retraction, receipt printing and dot-matrix journal printing or electronic journal.


Especially, its modular design guarantees convenient maintenance and unit replacement, and enables Monimax 5600 to be adjusted according to all requirements customers may need, and its superior Cash Dispensing Unit reduces transaction time and minimizes downtime. Monimax 5600 can be equipped with up to 4 cassettes.

Features and highlights

  • Future-trend design Innovative design attracts customers’ attention with elegant exterior and ease-to-use ergonomic interface. 15″ TFT LCD provides unsurpassed convenience to customers and the Vacuum Fluorescent Display (VFD) maximizes advertising effect.
  • Monimax 5600 features superior and cost-effective performance that
    outshines all of its competitors.
  • Reliability
  • Monimax 5600 guarantees enhanced security with compliance to UL291
    Level 1, to EMV Level 1, 2 and surveillance camera.
  • Non-stop operation
  • With high-capacity receipt journal and cassettes,
  • Monimax 5600 can be deployed both on and off premise conditions.