Second Level Maintenancewith our field engineers are CTA internal employees (not outsourced), and all engineers are graduates of S1/D3 mechanical, electrical, computer engineering who are trained with special skills in ATM maintenance with an average field experience of more than 7 (seven) years; they are trained in trouble shooting and maintain ATM machines and CRM (multi brands), with orientation, make ATM/CRM’s Customers are always in good and prime condition for their end customer.

The current coverage of the strongest work area of CTA engineers is in the Greater Jakarta area, Serang-Banten, Karawang, and also Jawa, outside Jawa, Sumatera, Bali, Sulawesi, Papua and until throughout Indonesia.

If you need a Second Level Maintenance service to maintain your ATM/CRM machine, please Contact Us, with our pleasure we will help you.